MetaFork Logo A Compilation Framework for Concurrency Platforms

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Installation Guide

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MetaFork version 0.1

Tech reports on fork-join concurrency model

- Specification
- Experimentation
- Manual


- Linux systems, i.e. Ubuntu, using bash.
- Lex and Yacc.
- GCC version 4.8.* or later to support CilkPlus, OpenMP.

Installation notes

- This version of MetaFork compilation framework is developed based on a hand-written parser.
- The installation procedure is listed below:
  1. Locate the downloaded package: metafork_distrib_0_1.tgz
  2. tar zxvf metafork_distrib_0_1.tgz
  3. cd metafork/
  4. make translators
  Note that make check can be used to verify that the Metafork translators work correctly with the examples.
- Makefile under the metafork/ folder contains other targets, in particular for testing the translators.

Shell configuration (with bash)

- The following environment variables and directory pathes must be added in order to compile and run the MetaFork framework.
export PATH=<yourpath>/src/bin:$PATH
- Replace <yourpath> by the path where the metafork/ folder is.
- Run source ~/.bashrc once it is done.

MetaFork version 0.0

Tech reports on fork-join concurrency model

- Specification
- Experi mentation
- Manual


- Linux systems, i.e. Ubuntu, using bash.
- Lex and Yacc.
- GCC version 4.8.* or later to support CilkPlus, OpenMP.

Installation notes

- This version of MetaFork compilation framework is developed based on a hand-written parser.
- The installation procedure is listed below:
  1. Locate the downloaded package: metafork_distrib_0_0.tgz
  2. tar zxvf metafork_distrib_0_0.tgz
  3. cd metafork/
  4. make translators
  Note that make check can be used to verify that the Metafork translators work correctly with the examples.
- Makefile under the metafork/ folder contains other targets, in particular for testing the translators.

Shell configuration (with bash)

- The following environment variables and directory pathes must be added in order to compile and run the MetaFork framework.
export PATH=<yourpath>/src/bin:$PATH
- Replace <yourpath> by the path where the metafork/ folder is.
- Run source ~/.bashrc once it is done.

MetaFork version 1.0


- Linux systems, i.e. Ubuntu, using bash.
- Clang 3.6.* or later.
- GCC version 4.8.* or later to support CilkPlus, OpenMP and LLVM.

Installation notes

- This new version of MetaFork compilation framework is developed based on LLVM/Clang. Building LLVM/Clang is part of building MetaFork.
- The installation procedure is listed below:
  1. Locate the downloaded package: MetaFork_version_1.0.tar
  2. tar xvf MetaFork_version_1.0.tar
  3. cd MetaFork_version_1.0/
  4. cd build/
  5. cmake -G “Unix Makefiles” ..
  6. make
- Building LLVM/Clang may require to update or install several libraries on your linux system.

Shell configuration (with bash)

- The following environment variables and directory pathes must be added in order to compile and run the MetaFork framework.
export PATH=<yourpath>/MetaFork_version_1.0/build/bin:$PATH
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=<yourpath>/MetaFork_version_1.0/tools/clang/include/clang/AST/:$C_INCLUDE_PATH
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=<yourpath>/MetaFork_version_1.0/tools/clang/include/clang/AST/:$CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH
- Replace <yourpath> by the path where the MetaFork_version_1.0/ folder is.
- Run source ~/.bashrc once it is done.

Using the MetaFork translators

- Each translator follows the same synopsis:
<translator> <sourcefile> -- <flag> <headerfile_path>
- Some explanations:
  1. All the contents after “--” will be passed to the frontend of LLVM/Clang.
  2. <flag> is used to activate the keywords specific to the source language; it (in different languages) can be -fcilkplus, -fmetafork or -fopenmp=libiomp5.
  3. Since we are doing source-to-source compilation, the user should specify the path of her/his header-files. This could be done using the flag -I to include the directory containing those header-files.
- For example, if you want to translate an OpenMP file “test.cpp” to CilkPlus code, the steps should be:
openmptometa test.cpp -- -fopenmp=libiomp5 -I<your_headerfile_path>
metatocilk test.cpp -- -fmetafork -I<your_headerfile_path>
- If you want to translate an CilkPlus file “test.cpp” to OpenMP code, the steps should be:
cilktometa test.cpp -- -fcilkplus -I<your_headerfile_path>
metatoopenmp test.cpp -- -fmetafork -I<your_headerfile_path>

MetaFork version 2.0


- Linux systems, i.e. Ubuntu, using bash.
- Clang 3.6.*
- GCC version 4.8.* or later to support CilkPlus, OpenMP and LLVM.

Installation of Clang/LLVM

- The installation procedure is listed below:
  1. Downloaded package:
  2. download "Clang for Ubuntu 14.04 (.sig)
  3. tar xvf clang+llvm-3.6.2-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-14.04.tar.xz

Environment configuration of Clang/LLVM (with bash)

export CLANG_ROOT=<yourpath>
- Replace <yourpath> by the path where the clang+llvm-3.6.2-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-14.04/ folder is.
- Run source ~/.bashrc once it is done.

Installation of MetaFork

- This new version of MetaFork compilation framework is developed based on LLVM/Clang.
- The installation procedure is listed below:
  1. Downloaded package: MetaFork_version_2.0.tar.gz
  2. tar xvf MetaFork_version_2.0.tar.gz
  3. cd distrib/
  4. make
  5. make install
  6. set "Environment configuration of MetaFork (with bash)"
  7. make obj (correctness check)

Environment configuration of MetaFork (with bash)

- The following environment variables and directory pathes must be added in order to compile and run the MetaFork framework.
export PATH=<yourpath>/install/bin:$PATH
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=<yourpath>/install/include:$C_INCLUDE_PATH
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=<yourpath>/install/include:$CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH
- Replace <yourpath> by the path where the distrib folder is.
- Run source ~/.bashrc once it is done.

Using the MetaFork translators

- Each translator follows the same synopsis:
<translator> <sourcefile> -- <flag> <headerfile_path>
- Some explanations:
  1. All the contents after “--” will be passed to the frontend of LLVM/Clang.
  2. Since we are doing source-to-source compilation, the user should specify the path of her/his header-files. This could be done using the flag -I to include the directory containing those header-files. Also users could specify the output file name after “ -o ”flag.
- For example, if you want to translate an OpenMP file “test.cpp” to CilkPlus code, the steps should be:
openmptometa test.cpp -o output1.cpp -- -Xclang -fopenmp=libiomp5 -I<your_headerfile_path>
metatocilk output1.cpp -o output2.cpp -- -include PragmaMetatoCilk.h -I<your_headerfile_path>
- If you want to translate an CilkPlus file “test.cpp” to OpenMP code, the steps should be:
cilktometa test.cpp -o output1.cpp -- -include PragmaCilk.h -I<your_headerfile_path>
metatoopenmp output1.cpp -o output2.cpp -- -include PragmaMetatoOpenMP.h -I<your_headerfile_path>

MetaFork-to-CUDA code generator


- Linux systems, i.e. Ubuntu, using bash.
- automake, autoconf, libtool
- Clang 3.6.*


  • Download package: metafork-ppcg.tar
  • tar xvf metafork-ppcg.tar
  • cd metafork-ppcg
  • ./
  • ./configure CXXFLAGS='-fno-rtti' --enable-metafork
  • ./options
  • make by default, using global memory
    make mem=mlocal using shared memory

Environment configuration

In .bashrc file, add the following lines:
  • export METAFORKPPCG_ROOT=/your/metafork-ppcg/path
- Replace /your/metafork-ppcg/path by the path where the metafork-ppcg folder is.
- Run source ~/.bashrc once it is done.


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An example: 1D Jacobi

C code:
for (int t = 0; t < T; ++t) {
    for (int i = 0; i < N-2; ++i)
        b[i+1] = (a[i] + a[i+1] + a[i+2]) / 3;
    for (int i = 0; i < N-2; ++i)
        a[i+1] = b[i+1];
MetaFork code:
// N is the input array size, which is 2^k+2, k is a positive integer
// B is the number of threads per thread-block
int ub_v = (N - 2) / B;

meta_schedule {
    for (int t = 0; t < T; ++t) {
        meta_for (int v = 0; v < ub_v; v++)
            meta_for (int u = 0; u < B; u++) {
                int p = v * B + u;
                b[p+1] = (a[p] + a[p+1] + a[p+2]) / 3;

        meta_for (int v = 0; v < ub_v; v++)
            meta_for (int u = 0; u < B; u++) {
                int w = v * B + u;
                a[w+1] = b[w+1];
Generated CUDA kernel code using global memory:
__global__ void kernel0(int *a, int *b, int N, int T, int ub_v, 
                                                 int B, int c0) {
    int b0 = blockIdx.x;
    int t0 = threadIdx.x;
    int private_p;

    #define floord(n,d) (((n)<0) ? -((-(n)+(d)-1)/(d)) : (n)/(d))
    for (int c1 = b0; c1 < ub_v; c1 += 32768) {
        private_p = (((c1) * (B)) + (t0));
        b[private_p + 1] = (((a[private_p] + a[private_p + 1]) 
                          + a[private_p + 2]) / 3);

__global__ void kernel1(int *a, int *b, int N, int T, int ub_v, 
                                                 int B, int c0) {
    int b0 = blockIdx.x;
    int t0 = threadIdx.x;
    int private_w;

    #define floord(n,d) (((n)<0) ? -((-(n)+(d)-1)/(d)) : (n)/(d))
    for (int c1 = b0; c1 < ub_v; c1 += 32768) {
        private_w = (((c1) * (B)) + (t0));
        a[private_w + 1] = b[private_w + 1];
- jacobi.c
- Makefile
Generated CUDA kernel code using shared memory:
__global__ void kernel0(int *a, int *b, int N, int T, int ub_v, int B, int c0) {
    int b0 = blockIdx.x;
    int t0 = threadIdx.x;
    int private_p;
    __shared__ int shared_a[BLOCK_0+2];

    #define floord(n,d) (((n)<0) ? -((-(n)+(d)-1)/(d)) : (n)/(d))
    #define min(x,y)    ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
    for (int c1 = b0; c1 < ub_v; c1 += 32768) {
        for (int c2 = t0; c2 <= min(B + 1, N - B * c1 - 1); c2 += B)
            shared_a[c2] = a[B * c1 + c2];
        private_p = (((c1) * (B)) + (t0));
        b[private_p + 1] = (((shared_a[private_p - B * c1] + shared_a[private_p - B * c1 + 1]) 
                          + shared_a[private_p - B * c1 + 2]) / 3);

__global__ void kernel1(int *a, int *b, int N, int T, int ub_v, int B, int c0) {
    int b0 = blockIdx.x;
    int t0 = threadIdx.x;
    int private_w;
    __shared__ int shared_b[BLOCK_0];

    #define floord(n,d) (((n)<0) ? -((-(n)+(d)-1)/(d)) : (n)/(d))
    for (int c1 = b0; c1 < ub_v; c1 += 32768) {
        if (N >= t0 + B * c1 + 2)
            shared_b[t0] = b[t0 + B * c1 + 1];
        private_w = (((c1) * (B)) + (t0));
        a[private_w + 1] = shared_b[private_w - B * c1];
- jacobi.c
- Makefile

ORCCA Lab, Department of Computer Science, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5B7